Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Dance Mosaic

 done for a friend who is a line dance teacher.

She just had surgery for breast cancer and is now undergoing radiation.  And, during this she lost her dad who was 98 years old.  The board is one of his from his workshop.  Several months ago, my husband and I went to her home and helped her clean out the workshop.  She knew my husband was a carpenter/handy man.  We also got a lot of other things like tables/chairs, etc. that she wanted to get rid of.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Door Headers

 did these to go over the doors in the downstairs spare bedroom

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Dance Mosaic

 We loved this picture that one of the dancer's/photographers took at the Country Western New Year's Eve dance.

So, I decided to try making a mosaic.
I've really never done faces before.

So, I took the picture, cropped it and used an abstract filter to get a picture to enlarge for a pattern
My husband said it's his most favorite mosaic that I've ever done.
I think it turned out pretty good too.